Sunday October 8th

We got going fairly early to go to Mary and Charlene’s local church, Fort Square Presbyterian. Mary parked on the street next to the church. Opposite was a little triangular grassy piece of land covered with American flags on poles, with people attending to them. I’m not sure if that was a permanent thing or in honour of something. The pastor had arrived fairly recently, and was getting to know the congregation. He was quite an enthusiastic preacher.


After church Mary made salmon sandwiches and brought some other snacks, and we went to the place we’d spied out the previous day. It was a sunny afternoon, and we went walking there for about half an hour, up to the top of a hill. There was a peek of a view across to the city. We ate our lunch, and did a bit more walking, enjoying the sunny weather. We met a few people coming and going while we were eating.


When we got back to the car, Mary had the idea of going to a lookout at the top of a hill nearby, the Blue Hill Observatory. We all started walking up the hill to the Blue Hills Observatory. It was a bit of a climb, and Mary and Charlene wanted me to go on up without them, as they were going slower, and the observatory might have been closed by the time they got there.


I got up there, and the bottom floor had a little shop where you could pay to to onto the roof and look at the view. I went up through a room with measuring instruments in it, then onto the roof, which had a great view all around. In the distance you could see the buildings of Boston, and a little strip of sea. There was an instrument up there which concentrated the sun onto a strip of paper that was slowly pulled through, leaving a burnt line, and how much it was burnt as it went along told them how much sun there had been. The sun was concentrated through a kind of glass sphere, which was quite expensive, and the guide mentioned that one had been stolen one time.


There was very little autumn colour in the surrounding area, except for one very bright strip, which I think was probably what I had seen the day before, along some kind of river or marsh. I came back down, and rang Mary to see where they were. They hadn’t gone to the top in the end. We were having a bit of trouble finding each other, it was hard to work out where each of us was, but we sorted it out in the end. It was a lovely walk.


I had another look at the beautiful autumn foliage while it was sunny, walking along a small road taking photos, while Mary was driving after me for a few minutes as I got some good shots. They also drove through a very affluent area, where there were enormous houses. I had my usual Bible study at 8.30 with everyone, but this time with Mary and Charlene in person, which was lovely.

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