Thursday September 14th

The van was ready in the morning, so I picked it up, thankful to the Lord that everything had disrupted the trip so little. I got all the receipts for the expenses and sent them off to the van hire company. We were running out of places to see, but Heather thought of Aspen Crossing, which was not too far away, and she prepared another picnic lunch and we headed over there.
It was an interesting place, with a couple of trains parked on tracks, and a restaurant in one of the carriages. The tracks went on for a while, and apparently they ran the trains sometimes. There was also a store, and Heather found she knew someone who worked there, We tucked into our lunch at a table outside the shop. It was so sunny and pleasant. I wasn’t sure whether sunscreen was needed, but Heather said it was just during the summer months, and there was no need by now. This was definitely different from back at home!
We walked by the trains, and looked at an old police car, which was perhaps from the 50s, not in good shape, but interesting to see. We took a leisurely walk around some gardens surrounding campsites that had been set up there. From there we had a quick look at Mcgregor Lake, which was a nice spot, though surrounded by fairly dry country, and I had been spoiled by mountain lakes with snow capped mountains!
After we got home, I joined in the regular Bible study Heather and her friend had every week, and later on spent some time sorting out issues with moving my website due to my hosting provider getting out of the business. The were planning to shut down things before I got back, so I had to get it sorted while I was away.