Wednesday September 13th

While I was with Heather I think I got a start on migrating my website to my own hosting. My hosting company had said they were quitting hosting, and given us till Oct 31st to move the website to alternate hosting, which was while I was still on holidays. There was an alternative company taking over, but I had decided to host it myself, I think I didn’t entirely like the look of the other company. We found out that the main issue with the van had been fixed – the coolant reservoir, they were just waiting on the wipers. This was very encouraging!
We had a fairly leisurely morning, with a nice breakfast, and Heather made a picnic lunch for the day. We found out that the main issue with the van had been fixed – the coolant reservoir, they were just waiting on the wipers. This was very encouraging!
There was a place called the Badlands, which Heather wanted me to see, about an hour and three quarters drive east. She drove her car there, and we arrived about 2.15pm, in a park called Dinosaur Provincial Park. Getting to the first lookout, I was greeted with a huge canyon, not as deep as Grand Canyon, but with that feeling to it. It was filled with a lot of large domed, weathered hills with colourful tops. Apparently it was called the Badlands because there was little vegetation and water, and few animals.
After looking from the top, we drove down into the canyon itself. A river was running to one side of it, with the start of some autumn colour. We found the visitor centre, and sat outside on another beautiful sunny day, to eat our lunch. Heather had packed a great lunch, with sandwiches, salad, fruit salad, and I think a bunch of other things. It was quite elaborate, and went down well. We were quite late eating.
Once we’d finished lunch, I had a bit of a walk around some of these humpy hills, seeing them up close from the bottom. There were some stairs and walkways to help navigate them. It was easy to get lost in the maze of these hills – they were really smaller than hills, almost just large mounds. I got a bit disoriented, and climbed to the top of one to see where I needed to go.
From there we went to have a look at the river, apparently the Red Deer River. It was quite wide, and fairly still, with some reflections of a few more hills on the other side, and a boat ramp, where a family seemed to be packing up some small boats, maybe kayaks, that they had presumably been on the river with.
It was nice to see some lovely yellow foliage on a few of the trees. Some of the others hadn’t started turning yet. I was still looking for good autumn colours, it was a bit early in most places still, and I think the colours were late that year, from the warm dry weather.